Ready to meet the next version of yourself?
This course will take whatever you are creating in your life to the next level… enhancing our lives requires more prana and coherence in our energy field. You could do it all on your own alone, or you could leverage the power of intentional energy to be on your side, making you magnetic AF in the process 😉❤️🔥✨
Are you feeling like you’re in a transition? It’s like you’re between who you used to be and who you are becoming?
There’s a light within trying to get you to break free from the fear, limitations, and distractions, and finally be embodied in who you are here to be… shining bright, using your voice freely, sharing in service for a purpose greater than you, receiving the love and abundance you are so worthy of, being present in the simplicity of joy and play.
But there’s also something pulling you back into comfort, a cage that wants to keep you safe. It’s not obvious, though. It’s the urge to check your phone upon waking up instead of connecting to your heart, intentions, and visions. It’s the seemingly never-ending ‘to do list’ that keeps you from your real goals. It’s the belief that it will happen ‘one day’ instead of starting today.
There are one million reasons to revert back to the known past. But that’s not what you, or I, came here for. We came here to evolve. We came here to create.
It would be so easy to stay the same, after all, that’s how your nervous system and neural networks have been deeply programmed, probably since you were very little, but if there is a light within you urging and hungry for more and you don’t know how to get there, know that you are already on your way by not shutting out that inner fire.
When we find ourselves in this void space, the knowing that there is something but not sure how to truly get it going or overcome the resistance and fear or patterns of sabotage, we can turn to the practices that open us up to the greater superconscious.
We get to surrender to the bigger thing, or version of ourselves, that is wanting to take form. We can prioritize aligning our energy to create a coherence of our energy because when this happens, our channels open up to this ‘something’ that is greater and more aligned.
And seemingly like magic, the sun begins to peek through the clouds. We receive inspiration for the next step. And acting upon that inspiration parts the clouds even more, and more inspiration and creative energy comes through.
Kundalini Yoga disrupts the normal neural networks that would keep you in habit, default comforts, and stuckness. It gives you the extra prana you need to act upon the inspiration and clarity when that arrives.
Take a Peak Inside
- Qigong + Meditation for the Pranic Force (42:02)
- Qigong + Cosmic Breath + Laya Yoga Chant (46:52)
- Qigong + Wahe Guru for Nervous System (48:11)
- Qigong + Kriya to Adjust Ovaries (for Vitality+Fertility) (49:43)
- Qigong + Brighten Your Radiance (45:48)
- Qigong + Healing Ra Ma Da Sa (40:49)
- Sobagh Kriya for Prosperity (42:07)